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Food Heritage like gastronomic offer

We bring to travelers closer to the preservation of food biodiversity and an understanding of local cultures, identities and gastronomies.

Journeys will often include visits to Slow Food Presidia, encounters with Ark of Taste products and stays with Terra Madre food communities.

We would like our visitor to be aware that one’s food choices have a direct effect on the market and the food production; and that everyday choices can be made for the benefit of our palate, the environment and society.

Ark of taste
The Ark of Taste is an online catalogue that is growing day by day, gathering alerts from people who see the flavors of their communities disappear, taking with them a piece of the culture and history of which they are a part.
North Macedonia

The Presidia projects supports local producers who sustain quality production at risk of extinction, protect unique regions and ecosystems, recover traditional processing methods, safeguard native breeds and local plant varieties.
North Macedonia