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Behind every place lie stories, gastronomic traditions, artisanal flavors and time-honored practices, preserved by communities whose identities and cultures have been constructed over centuries. Every gastronomic tradition can become a unique tourism experience.

„Cooking Balkan Food Heritage“ is an initiative of Slow Food Macedonia in partnership of Slow Food networks from Albania, Kosovo and Montenegro.

Тhe main goal is implementing a sustainable model for rural tourism by linking target groups and building their capacities in order to meet the quality criteria of the local gastronomy offer

Our network in The Balkans offers a new model for tourism, made up of meetings and exchanges with farmers, cheesemakers, herders, butchers, bakers and winegrowers who, along with the chefs who cook their products, will be the narrators of their local areas and unique guides to the local traditions.

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Supported by the regional project SEDRA (Support to Economic Diversification of Rural Areas in Southeast Europe), financed by BMZ and implemented jointly by GIZ and SWG RDD.