МIA: Macedonian products at Euro Gusto fair in France

Прес прегледМIA: Macedonian products at Euro Gusto fair in France


Skopje, 28 November 2011 (MIA)

Macedonian products were presented at Euro Gusto – European biennale of taste, biodiversity and food culture – held in Tours, France.

Euro Gusto is the European rendezvous for the Slow Food movement. Gusto (taste) is the name of the game, but Slow Food is all about taste combined with ethical consumption.

The Slow food network in Macedonia says products were well-accepted by visitors.

“Numerous contacts were established in the course of Euro Gusto, which we hope will produce concrete collaboration, joint ideas and projects”, they say.

The fair also included a conference of Slow Food leaders, focusing on the movement’s future, its development and active involvement in food-related issues on the global scale.

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