The Free Library: “Slow food” to promote Macedonian food

Прес прегледThe Free Library: "Slow food" to promote Macedonian food


Macedonia has excellent potential to develop agriculture, especially the traditional production that is demanded on foreign markets. The traditional fodder products, whose milk, traditionally processing products, through the network of “Slow food” will clear the way for promotion and sale on the European market.
This was concluded after meeting between Agriculture Minister Ljupco Dimovski and Piero Sardo, president of the Italian Slow Food Foundation for Biodiversity.
“Despite the wild fig preserve, at the list of protected products we plan to put the Mavrovo white cheese, the cheese from galicnik and other agricultural procucts that are traditionally produced, as well as the busha cattle,” said Filippo Unterhofer, president of Macedonian “Slow Food”.

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